Standing Wave Patterns

This page is an attempt to show a few things about standing wave patterns. So far there is only one item on this page, which is about the puffer fish sand sculpture.  

Puffer Fish Sand Sculpture

Puffer fish sometimes make beautiful sand sculptures on the bottom of the ocean, meant to attract a female. This is not an easy one to confirm, yet it is likely that this is another example of an animal using vortex movement induced by geometrical shapes to manipulate waves, and these waves are likely not electromagnetic. This example shows a puffer fish making a sand sculpture to attract a female, as shown in the video below.


Perhaps the purpose of the sand sculpture is only visual, only meant to impress the female by showing the puffer fish's creation. Yet it could also be that this shape is meant to attract a female outside of visible range. The shape of the sculpture looks like some kind of standing wave pattern. This shape might create something similar to a sound wave signal, because sound itself can affect water in a way that these same kind of patterns emerge. In the video below you can see one such example, at different sound frequencies.

Sound in water is not quite the same as sound in air. And it might be only the puffer fish or other similar animals that are able to pick up that sound. If you look at the standing wave patterns that emerge in water when we cast sound at it that is audible to us humans, then those patterns that emerge are much smaller than that of the puffer fish sand sculpture.

All content on this site that is authored by Peter.A.Venis is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, unless otherwise mentioned. Most pages on this website also include material from other authors, under different licenses. Both the author's names and the licenses are mentioned in the file names whenever this information is known and can be provided. The presence of work from other authors on this website does not necessarily imply that those authors endorse the contents of this website.
A word that is often used on this website is the word 'vortex'. Many sources describe a vortex as a movement in a fluid that has a rotational flow. Yet many of the vortices that I describe on this website do not show a visible rotational flow. I took the liberty of using the word vortex for describing a phenomenon that had not been understood before, one that links together rotational and non-rotational movements. Even a movement in a straight line can in some cases be categorized as a vortex, if it is known that that movement is created by certain identical conditions. So keep in mind that the word 'vortex', within the context of the infinity-theory, has not the exact same meaning as other sources describe.