Welcome to the infinity theory forum.
This is one of two general topic forums. Any topic about the infinity theory can be posted here. Because this website is still new I've decided to use only one forum category for all science topics. When the number of posts will grow I will split the forum into more categories, depending on the nature of the topics that have been posted.
This is a public section. If you do not want your messages to be readable to everyone who is browsing the internet then you have the option to post your messages in the non-public section instead of here. Only members of the forum can access the non-public section.
My goal is to give members of the forum as much freedom as possible to say what they feel they need to say. I will intervene as a moderator when needed to (offensive content, spam) yet my expectation is that that won't happen often. Also keep in mind that people who visit this forum can be from many different backgrounds, from different educations and sharing different interests. Be tolerable to one another and do not try to harm another person's interests.
Every new post in these forums is moderated. The main reason for this is to prevent the forums from being abused by spammers. Please be aware that it might take up to a day before a new post that you submit appears online.
I hope you enjoy your visit here at the forum. Be nice to one another, share interesting views about science, try to help one another in solving thought-provoking questions of universe, and let these forums be a platform for people to join together in these goals.
Best wishes,
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Posted Mar 07 2024 - 09:17 AM
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